jueves, 29 de abril de 2010
Procedencia del alumnado extranjero
EUROPA: Alemania, Bélgica, Dinamarca, España, Estonia, Francia, Holanda, Hungría, Irlanda, Islandia, Italia, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, Rumanía, Rusia, Suiza y Ucrania.
ÁFRICA: Marruecos.
AMÉRICA: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela.
ASIA: China, Kazajstán e India.
En total, 152 estudiantes con nacionalidad extranjera (105 en ESO y 47 en Bachillerato).
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
Exposición sobre Brasil - Exhibition about Brazil

El programa de actividades, coordinado por Miguel Rojas, el educador del Centro, ha sido el siguiente.
-Transporte en autobús ofrecido por el Centro Entreculturas,
-Presentación didáctica sobre Brasil,
-Documental de 15 minutos,
-Charla sobre la capoeira, con exhibición incluida, a cargo del monitor Pingo.
-Selección de fragmentos de la película El milagro de Candeal.
La actividad tuvo lugar en un aula decorada con motivos típicamente brasileños: artesanía, prendas de vestir y por supuesto, camisetas de fútbol.
Nuestro agradecimiento al Centro Entreculturas y a Miguel Rojas por la invitación.
A group of students have been today to Las Lagunas Centro Entreculturas (Mijas) to visit an exhibition about Brazil, in the background of the Brasilian Week, organized by the institution mentioned.
The programme has been:
-Transport by bus offered by the Centro Entreculturas
-Didactic presentation about Brazil
-15 minute documentary
-Talk about capoeira, exhibition included.
-Selection of bits of the film Candeal Miracle
The activity was developed in a room decorated with typical Brazilian objects: handcrafs, typical clothes, and, of course football T-shirts.
We would like to thank Miguel Rojas, from the Centro Entreculturas for the invitation.
jueves, 22 de abril de 2010
Damos la cara por Haití

Today we are taking pictures for the solidary campaign Damos la cara por Haití (the translation would be something like: "We offer our image for Haití"). This is a campaign organized by Málaga Educational Authorities in collaboration with NOVASOFT foundation. The biggest educational collage in Spain is going to be made, with the participation of all the schools that volunteer.The Students´Association of the school asked permission to the School Council to take part in this activity. Today, we will take pictures of all the students who have their parents´written permission. All the photographs will be sent to an e-mail address. NOVASOFT foundation will donate 1€ for each photograph received. The person in charge of the coordination will be Gloria Sánchez, the teacher in charge of the Intercultural activities.For more information: www.damoslacaraporhaiti.es