Woo Woo Woo!! Party tonight, 31st October and I was walking home from school. I was going out tonight with all my mates dressed up for Halloween and I had a wicked costume to wear but first some lunch and a siesta so I would be bright eyed and alive tonight.
I got home, made my lunch, did my homework and laid on my bed, there were to be seven of us to meet at 8 pm at the park to go on to the party, a ghost, a werewolf, Dracula, a devil, a gargoyle, a witch and me.
Bzzzzzz, Bzzzzzz, Bzzzzzz, the alarm rang and I jumped up and began to get ready, music on and loud, I put on makeup, clothes and did my hair. 7.50, ready at last, I took a look in the mirror, brilliant! I looked great; I felt great and was really looking forward to a super night. I shouted by to my parents and left for the five minute walk to the park. I could see a figure waiting as I rounded the corner, as I neared the park gates I could see it was Joe the werewolf. “Great outfit Joe” I said walking up to him, he grunted a response just as the ghost appeared out of the bushes and Dracula emerged from inside the gates. “Wow!! We should be in the movies, we all look “unreal”. Hannah the witch and Laura the sexy red devil appeared next, then a few minutes later Tim the gargoyle.
“Ok guys” I said “Let´s go, it´s party time”. We turned and walked into the park laughing and joking amongst ourselves, turned left and walked up a small incline towards the pavilion where the party was to be held and suddenly all the lights went out. We all 7 stopped and blinked in the blackness, trying to accustom our eyes to the darkness after the lights.
“Wow, this is a great Halloween feature, couldn´t have worked better if it had been planned; now we have to walk through the graveyard in the dark”.
There were stars in the sky but no moon, yes we could see but only just, it was spooky, shadows fell in strange places, given off from the glow of the town outside the park, strange how only the park lights had gone off.
We moved forward, silent now, listening, big eyed, and still trying to focus in the dark. There was rustling in the bushes and bats and owls making their night time noises overhead, someone giggled a nervous little giggle that registered in all our minds and the fear we had felt previously subsided as we moved on through the tombstones towards the dark shadow of the pavilion.
“Cor! That was a bit scary” someone said.
“A bit! That is an understatement if ever I heard one” Hannah said.
“It´s a good job I was not on my own” said Laura. “I´m sure I would have turned round and run back out of the park”.
“Yeah me toooo” said Tim.
“Well” said Joe, “It´s a great start to a spooky night” to which we all agreed.
All of a sudden I saw from the corner of my eye, movement over to the left behind one of the gravestones, “What the!!!” I said out loud. “WHAT” everyone shouted.
“Over there, something moved, look there it is again” everyone turned to stare where my extended arm was pointing.
“I can´t see anything” said Tim
“Me neither” said Laura.
“Yes there it goes again” I said pointing as a shadowy figure jumped from one tombstone to the next.
“Come on, don´t be daft, you will have us all scared silly before we even get there”.
“No, really” I protested “there was something there”.
The others all ignored me and walked on, I ran to catch them up, not wanting to be left alone with whatever it was I had seen.
We arrived at the great doors of the pavilion, thank goodness, I sure was glad to be here, the door was closed but there was flickering candle light in the windows and we could just about make out the sign which read... “Partygoers, knock 3 times and enter at your own risk”.
“What on earth!!” “Enter at your own risk?” Pff, crazy, no risk in here, why I have been in here many many times.
I took hold of the knocker BAM! BAM! BAM! I let the knocker fall back in its cradle and went for the door handle but jumped back as the door creaked open.
We walked in, there were quite a few people already there, the room was smoky so visibility was not too good, a big machine stood in one corner by the stage and smoke was pouring out, the pavilion had been decorated really well with cobwebs, spiders, bats and other things hanging from the ceiling, making it really difficult to walk through to the bar without having something touching your head, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and bristle. The music was blaring out and some folks were dancing, we moved over towards the bar, “goooood evening!” said the ghoulish bar tender who I did not recognise, two large cauldrons stood before him, “we have Devil´s Blood or Monster Juice” he said “take your pick”.
“Seven glasses of monster juice, please” I said looking at the thick green liquid, “What´s in it?”
“Ah! That is a secret” I was told.
OK, in for a penny in for a pound, I took a quick sip, mmmmm! Not too bad, I would try the devil´s blood later.
We got on the dance floor and moved with the music, trance like rhythms that befitted the mood and the night, very heavy heady music, it was rather strange that everyone was dancing, noone was talking just dancing or moving along with the music, everyone but everyone was dressed up, most had on masks so you could not see their faces, I had no idea who any of them were, but found it strange that there were mostly folks dressed as zombies, there only seemed to be the seven of us that were dressed in other costumes. I mentioned this to Laura who stood at the side of me –“don´t you think it is strange” I said, “I had not really thought about it, but now you come to mention it, it is a bit”.
“Don´t be daft” said Hannah, “look how tall they all are, this party is only for fifth and sixth formers so I bet all the sixth formers decided to do the zombie bit, they do look good though you got to admit” “yeah I suppose they do” I mumbled.
I turned round to look where they had put the food, and bumped right into one of the zombie dancers, “sorry mate” I said, “must be this monster juice”, he said nothing and danced on, how strange!
I wandered around the room, in the smoky mist, with the candles flickering, I had a most uneasy feeling, yet none of the others seemed to have it, I wondered why. I found the food, in a side room laid out on a huge table, there were plates and plates of “bones” draped in cobwebs with big hairy spiders crawling over the top, “yuk” that did not look very appetizing, I went a little closer to examine the bones, noticing at the same time that there was no one else around, again that uneasy feeling sent shivers up and down my spine, I reached the table to find that the “bones” were large baguettes filled with whatever, but my oh my they did certainly look real, I went back to find the others, I was starving, we should eat, I found them easily enough, they were the ones in costume although there seemed to be many more zombie people, I really did not think there were so many sixth formers “Tim, Laura, Hannah, come on all of you” I shouted “I found the food, let´s eat” They continued dancing, maybe they had not heard me, I tried again louder “Tim, Laura, come on! Let´s eat” still nothing, more zombies moved in round them, fear was beginning to wrap its fingers round my throat as I watched, Tim!!! I yelled, sure he would have heard me shouting, still he danced on, “Laura, Laura, come on!” I shouted waving my arms to her; she too ignored me. I tried to get through the mass of undulating zombie bodies that surrounded my friends, but was bumped away, like a dodgem car, they wouldn´t let me in, what the hell was going on? Fear rose in my chest, I looked around for an adult, the bar tender, he spoke to us, I ran back to the bar, where was he? I waited a fex minutes maybe he had gone to the bathroom, he would be back in a minute. The room was filling up more and more with people dressed in rags with zombie masks, everywhere I moved I bumped into one and shrank back. Lights, lights I had to find the lights I thought to myself, I moved over to the wall, follow the wall, round the room, somewhere would be an electric box with the switches in, I had to put the lights on and see what was really going on, I edged round the wall, not much candle light filtered through the mass of bodies, this was really not pleasant, then I found it, I pulled open the cupboard door and felt for the big switch, my heart beating fast and my breathing erratic I pulled up the switch “CLICK”on came the lights.
“Come on Kirsty” mum said “Time to get up or you will miss your school bus. Goodness child, you look rough, you look as though you went to an all night party last night but you went to bed early and slept right though, obviously needed it. I would do the same tonight if I were you”.