In February, the traditional school events related with Saint Valentine´s Day, Chinese New Year and Andalucía´s Day were celebrated.
Día de San Valentín
Saint Valentine´s Day
-Se decoró el centro con la expresión "Te quiero" en todos las lenguas maternas del alumnado del Centro.
-Se elaboraron marcapáginas con el mismo motivo, con la colaboración del profesor de Educación Plástica y Visual Luis Granados.
-Se expusieron poemas de amor en dichas lenguas.
-El Departamento de Lengua convocó su concurso anual de poemas y cartas de amor, abierto a toda la comunidad educativa en distintas modalidades, incluyendo en sus bases una valoración especial a aquellos participantes cuya lengua materna no sea el español.
-The school was decorated with the expression "I love you" in all our students´mother tongues.
-Bookmarks decorated with this sentence were made with the help of the Arts teacher, Luis Granados.
-Love poems in many different languages were displayed.
-The Spanish Language and Literature Department organized their yearly love letter and poem competition. This is open to all the community, and divided in different modalities. The rules of the competition include a special value of those participants whose mother tongue is not Spanish.
Año Nuevo Chino
Chinese New Year
Se colocaron paneles informativos y se decoró el centro.
Informative boards were displayed and the school was decorated.
Día de Andalucía
Andalucía´s Day
El AMPA repartió a los alumnos a la hora del recreo un tradicional desayuno andaluz compuesto de pan con aceite de oliva y chocolate a la taza. Los alumnos extranjeros que lo probaron por primera vez se mostraron agradablemente sorprendidos.
The Parents Association prepares at breaktime a traditional andalusian breakfast, made up of bread with olive oil and hot chocolate. The foreign students who taste it for the first time are nicely surprised.