( 21 DE MARZO)
(21 MARCH)
Decoración del Centro
School Decoration
School Decoration
Los alumnos de ATAL expusieron el viernes 20 de marzo un panel decorativo, con la colaboración de otros alumnos del Centro cuya lengua materna no es el español.Se trata de un abanico con ocho partes de color rojo que simbolizan las provincias de Andalucía. Cada parte está decorada con el logotipo “Todos diferentes, todos iguales” en los idiomas maternos del alumnado de nuestro centro.
El logotipo está inspirado en el de la Comisión Europea contra el racismo y la intolerancia. Se ha cambiado la forma, eligiendo un círculo en lugar de un rectángulo, para que visualmente se identifiquen con lunares andaluces, y se ha traducido a idiomas no comunitarios, puesto que recibimos a alumnos de países que no pertenecen a países de la Unión.
Agradecemos a la Administrativa del Centro, Beatriz García Martínez, su paciencia con nosotros y su colaboración en el diseño. Queda demostrado una vez más que en el IES La Cala, toda la comunidad educativa participa en actividades de tipo intercultural.
The ATAL students displayed on Friday 20 March a decorative borrad, with the collaboration of other students of the school, whose mother tongue is not Spanish.
The board has the shape of a fan with 8 parts coloured in red which symbolize the 8 provinces of Andalucia. Each part is decorated with the logo “All different, all equal”, en the mother tongues of all our students.
The logo is inspired in the European Commission against racism. The shape has been changed, choosing a circle instead of a rectangle, to make it similar to the Andalusian spots. It has been translated to languages of countries which do not belong to the EU, as we receive students from many different places.
We would like to thank the secretary of the school, Beatriz García Martínez, for her patience with us and her collaboration in the design. Once more, it has been proved that in this school, all the staff contribute to intercultural education.
The ATAL students displayed on Friday 20 March a decorative borrad, with the collaboration of other students of the school, whose mother tongue is not Spanish.
The board has the shape of a fan with 8 parts coloured in red which symbolize the 8 provinces of Andalucia. Each part is decorated with the logo “All different, all equal”, en the mother tongues of all our students.
The logo is inspired in the European Commission against racism. The shape has been changed, choosing a circle instead of a rectangle, to make it similar to the Andalusian spots. It has been translated to languages of countries which do not belong to the EU, as we receive students from many different places.
We would like to thank the secretary of the school, Beatriz García Martínez, for her patience with us and her collaboration in the design. Once more, it has been proved that in this school, all the staff contribute to intercultural education.
Ciclo de talleres (Lunes 23 y 30 de marzo)
School workshops (Monday 23 and 30 March)
El alumnado de 1º, 2º y 3º de ESO participaron en un ciclo de talleres sobre el tema de la eliminación de la discriminación racial. Estas charlas fueron impartidas por el servicio de Mediación Intercultural de la Delegación, en coordinación con el Departamento de Orientación del Centro.
The students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO took part in a series of workshops about the topic of elimination of racism. These workshops were organised by the Intercultural Mediation Services of Malaga Educational Authorities, coordinated with the Guidance Department of the School.
School workshops (Monday 23 and 30 March)
El alumnado de 1º, 2º y 3º de ESO participaron en un ciclo de talleres sobre el tema de la eliminación de la discriminación racial. Estas charlas fueron impartidas por el servicio de Mediación Intercultural de la Delegación, en coordinación con el Departamento de Orientación del Centro.
The students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO took part in a series of workshops about the topic of elimination of racism. These workshops were organised by the Intercultural Mediation Services of Malaga Educational Authorities, coordinated with the Guidance Department of the School.
Los alumnos de 1º Bachillerato de Ciencias están trabajando durante este curso escolar en un proyecto sobre el AGUA, dentro del programa internacional World Wide Professional.
(Recordamos que en el marco de este programa se encuentran trabajando también alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato de Ciencias Sociales, con un proyecto sobre los Derechos de la Mujer, y alumnos de 2º de ESO, con un proyecto sobre Turismo).
Con motivo del Día Internacional del Agua, los alumnos realizaron una encuesta sobre los usos del agua. Incluyeron los resultados en la wiki que están elaborando y que se podrá ver a final de curso. De momento, su uso está restringido a los centros que trabajan en el proyecto.
The students of 1st Bachillerato (Group of Sciences) are working during this school year in a project about WATER, in the background of the international programme World Wide Professional.
(We would like to remind that the 1st Bachillerato students of the Group of Social Sciences are working in a project about Womens´s Rights, and those of 2nd ESO in a project about Tourism, also in the background of this International Programme).
On the World Water Day, the students did a survey on the use of water. They included the results in the wiki page they are creating and that will be available at the end of the school year. At present, the access to this page is restricted to the schools who are working on it.